Teen Video Game Addiction
Video Game Addiction in Teenagers
How to deal with video game addiction
Video game addiction in teenagers is becoming a common family problem and solutions for these issues can be hard to find. The Family Bootcamp is a highly effective intervention for helping parents learn how to handle a troubled teenager struggling with a video game addiction. Family Bootcamp clinicians utilize solution focused family therapy for helping parents and teens in better understanding family relationships, family problems and solutions. The Family Bootcamp clinicians are highly experienced in dealing with troubled teenagers and combined, share more than 55 years of experience working with teens in wilderness therapy settings. For many families, attempting to find solutions for technology related addictions at home is ineffective because there is simply no way to prevent the teen from accessing technology. For this reason, Family Bootcamp provides an invaluable setting as the teen is completely “unplugged” from technology and can’t escape into the internet as a form of avoidance for dealing with this family problem.