Family Bootcamp works with teens, young adults and their parents who are struggling with a variety of emotional, behavioral and mental health issues including the following:
Help for Teen Depression
Affective Disorders including Depression, Bipolar Disorder and Anxiety
Depression, anxiety and other mood and affective disorders impact many youth in society. Often these issues go untreated. Teen depression is a serious mental health issue that causes feelings of sadness, loss of interest in activities and lack of motivation. It influences how teens think, feel and behave and it can cause emotional, functional and physical problems. Read More
Substance Abuse
Help for Teen Substance Abuse
Substance abuse among teens typically results in a variety of family problems that can become disruptive to the entire family unit. Family therapy sessions can be a helpful intervention for assisting teens and parents to communicate about the family conflicts. Often, parents suspect that the teen is experimenting with drugs or alcohol, but are not sure. Read More
Technology Addictions
Help for Teen Technology Addictions
A majority of today’s teens have never experienced life without the internet. They have used the internet since they were old enough to touch a screen and eagerly learn to utilize new technologies as quickly as it can be created. For many teens their use of the internet and technology can blossom into an addiction. Some teens become so obsessed with their on-line activity that all other important activities in their lives are neglected. When this occurs, there is no other way to describe this phenomena other than a tech addiction. Read More
Video Game Addiction
Help for Teen Video Game Addiction
Video game addiction in teenagers is becoming a common family problem and solutions for these issues can be hard to find. The Family Bootcamp is a highly effective intervention for helping parents learn how to handle a troubled teenager struggling with a video game addiction. Read More
Cell Phone Addiction
Help for Teen Cell Phone Addiction
More and more teens are becoming addicted to smart phones at the expense of real relationships and success in other areas of their lives. Many parents are asking how to deal with teens and cell phone addictions. At Family Bootcamp, we believe that teens must be taught to use technology responsibly and avoid developing addictions to technology. Too often today’s teens use technology and the internet to avoid dealing with life’s problems. Read More
Internet Addiction
Help for Teen Internet Addiction
Drugs can damage a teen’s brain, body and cause serious problems their young lives. Alcohol and many other substances can do the same thing. But can the Internet cause similar problems? More and more experts believe so and a recent study suggests that there is a possibility it can. At Family Bootcamp, we take internet addiction very seriously and believe that it is an issue that needs to be addressed among many teens today. Read More
School Failure
Help for Teen School Failure
Experts suggest that about one in five students will have trouble keeping up academically at some point during junior high and high school. School failture requires the immediate attention of parents, before the damage to the teen’s self-esteem becomes too damaged or the teen begins to develop a pattern of avoiding school. Family Bootcamp is the ideal place for parents and teens to get support and direction for disrupting a pattern of school failure before it becomes a significant problem. Read More
Low Self-Esteem
Help for Teen Low Self-Esteem
In today’s competitive society, and with the distorted belief of the need for popularity and fame, increasing numbers of teens become discouraged and disheartened by what they view as their lack of worth. This lack of sense of self often translates into a low self-eteem. We frequently hear about teens suffering from low self-esteem. Family Bootcamp creates a confidence building experience for those teens with low self-esteem issues. Read More
Low Frustration Tolerance
Help for Teen Low Frustration Tolerance
We live in a society that demands instant gratification. Unfortunately, the philosophy of “I want what I want, and I want it now” has become a mindset for many teens. For some, when they are do not get what they want instantaneously, they become quickly frustrated because they have not developed the coping skills to deal with frustration and have yet to learn the valued qualities of patience and perseverance. Read More
Help for Teen ADHD
ADHD is a diagnosis with which most parents are familiar. Family Bootcamp often works with teens and parents who are struggling with how to manage ADHD. Classic examples of ADHD include A teen who is unable to listen to the teacher or who is disruptive in class. Even though the teen with ADHD often wants to be a good student, the impulsive behavior and difficulty paying attention in class frequently interferes and causes problems. Research suggests that ADHD occurs in 3-5% of school age children. Read More
Learning Difficulties
Help for Teen Learning Disabilities
One of the common problems that teens have with school performance is a specific learning disability or learning disorders. Often misunderstood, teens with learning disabilities usually have a normal range of intelligence. Family Bootcamp believes that many teens with learning disabilities have erroneously concluded that because learning is difficult for them, that this means that they are not as smart as others.The Family Bootcamp experience can help change a teens thinking about themselves. Read More
Help for Teen Bullying
While bullying has always been a problem among children and teens, with the internet and social media, bullying affects more and more youth every day, making it difficult for some to escape. Whether a teen has been a victim or a perpetrator of bullying, Family Bootcamp strives to assist all teens to develop skills to eliminate bullying from their lives. Bullying is a common experience for many children and adolescents. Surveys indicate that as many as half of all children are bullied at some time during their school years, and at least 10% are bullied on a regular basis. Read More
Pornography Addiction
Help for Teen Pornography Addiction
Because of the ease of access to explicit media and the potency of today's pornography, many parents are faced with the difficult and uncomfortable task of addressing the topic of pornography use by their children. Many parents are uncertain about how to handle these situations and where to turn for help when the use of pornography by a teen becomes habitual. Research and studies suggest that most pornography and sexual addictions begin during adolescence. Unfortunately, most don't seek treatment until later in life when the problem has become more pervasive. More and more parents find themselves having to become educated about pornography and sexual addiction because of the rising numbers of teens becoming addicted. Read More
Identity Issues
Help for Teen Identity Issues
The teen years are a time for exploration of identity and the journey through adolescence can be confusing and difficult. The developmental dilemma of adolescence is known as "Image vs. Identity". Establishing an identity is not an easy process. There are difficult and confusing choices at every step of the way. For many teens, the establishment of an identity can lead to dark and dangerous places. Family Bootcamp helps teens who are struggling to find direction in their search for identify. Read More
Phase of Life Problems
Teen Help for Phase of Life Problems
Life is full of challenges. Particularly during the teen years due to the demands of choices that must be made during this critical time period. Many teens will struggle with changes that occur during this difficult period of time in life. Unfortunately, sometimes circumstances beyond their control occur such as parent divorce, death of a family member, moving to a new city, illness, etc. can lead to emotional and behavioral problems. These changes can create significant challenges that can interfere with adolescent development. Family Bootcamp is a great place for gaining perspective on phase of life problems. Read More.
Difficulty Delaying Gratification
Teen Help for Difficulty Delaying Gratification
Some experts have labeled the youth of today as the "entitled generation". Many teens today have become accustomed to getting what they want immediately. Delaying gratification is the ability to resist the temptation for an immediate reward and wait for a later reward. Generally, delayed gratification is associated with resisting a smaller but more immediate reward in order to receive a larger or more enduring reward later. Family Bootcamp is an intervention that teaches delaying gratification. Read More
Attachment and Adoption Issues
Help for Teens struggling with Adoption and Attachment Issues
Most teens battle with the questions of "Who am I?" and "Where do I fit in?" Teens who are adopted often question who they are more deeply than non-adopted teens, as the questions they face are more complicated. Both heredity and environment shape all of us, thus the formation of an identity is even more complicated for adopted teens because they have two sets of parents/families. They must consider birth family members as they figure out who they are like and who they are different from. Adopted teens may feel that parts of their identity are missing. In this difficult struggle for identify, many adopted teens begin to experience problems. Family Bootcamp is a great venue for addressing attachment issues. Read More
Social Problems
Help for Teen Social Problems
For many teens, the adolescent years are spent socializing and building a network of friends. Some teens, however, struggle with socialization or experience challenges that make this potentially enjoyable time in their lives difficult. Making friends isn't so easy for some. Teens who struggle with shyness avoid approaching peers or striking up conversations. While for some this shyness is a temporary struggle that they ultimately overcome, other teens go through their entire adolescence struggling to make or maintain friendships due to their shyness. Family Bootcamp can help shy teens. Read More
Family Conflict
Help for Family Conflict
As children move into their adolescent years, it is normal for conflict between parents and teens to occur on occasion. As teens become more independent, they begin to question their parents’ rules, and spend more time with friends. Family conflicts occur more frequently. However, the conflict in some families with teens is severe. Instead of waiting until the problems are really big, decide to start now on finding ways to manage disagreements with your teen. The effort you put into learning ways of lowering levels of conflict will pay off in a happier, more peaceful family. Family Bootcamp assists teens and parents in developing strategies for resolving conflict. Read More
Grief and Loss
Help for Teens struggling with grief and loss
For teens, grieving the loss of a loved one can be especially challenging because adolescents are still maturing mentally and emotionally. The teen years are already difficult enough alone, without the challenge of the loss of a loved one. Anger, sadness, withdrawal, guilt and anxiety are common effects grief can have on teens. The grieving process takes time and healing usually happens gradually. The intensity of grief may be related to how sudden or predictable the loss was and how the teen felt about the person who died. Family Bootcamp can serve as a chance for a teen to gain new perspective on life after the loss of a loved one. Read More
Autistic Spectrum Disorders (high end)
Family Help for Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Teens with autism spectrum disorders who are often diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, or high-functioning autism can benefit from the Family Bootcamp experience. Teens with Asperger's syndrome are often intelligent and capable, but can struggle to communicate with others and can lack social skills. The frustration of not being able to communicate and express themselves, combined with social challenges,can result in the development of behavioral problems and/or other emotional struggles. Read More
Young Adult Failure To Launch
Young Adult Failure to Launch
Developmental stagnation in the transition phase between high school and the adult world is a problem that increasingly impacts families across the country. Recent studies suggest that over 70% of young men 18-30 still live at home with their parents and many of these young adults are not employed, attending college or otherwise working to become independent from their parents. Many have termed this increasingly common phenomena as “Failure to Launch”.
While it is true that finding a job and financing an education is more difficult than in past generations, too many young adult men are stagnated in their development and continue to approach life acting as if they are still teens attending high school. Without any sense of urgency to move forward to the next stage in life, they become increasingly focused on being entertained, often with hours of video games, social media and pornography at the expense of developing the self-discipline needed to manage the demands of life in the adult world.
Teen Entitlement
Program for teen entitlement
Some experts have labeled the youth of today as the "entitled generation". Many teens today have become accustomed to getting what they want immediately. Delaying gratification is the ability to resist the temptation for an immediate reward and wait for a later reward. Many teens today have a desire for nice things, but they don’t want to work hard for the money to obtain nice things. Too many struggle with entitlement believing that they “deserve it” or “they are owed it”.
“Compared to previous generations, recent high-school graduates are more likely to want lots of money and nice things but less likely to say they’re willing to work hard to earn them,” according to the author of a recent study on the topic of entitlement among the rising generation. “That type of ‘fantasy gap’ is consistent with other studies showing a generational increase in narcissism and entitlement.”
A prime example of this is the number of elementary aged and middle school youth who have their own smart phones, but do absolutely nothing to earn the privilege of the device. Those few kids who don’t have a smart phone, feel deprived and many attempt to convince their parents of this. The pressures in middle school only get worse in high school as kids no longer simply ask for a cell phone, but for a car, a personal laptop and spending cash at will. Teen entitlement and inability to delay gratification are major problems in today’s culture. Read More